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Irish History & Literature
2990 - 3 units - 8/30/2010 - 12/15/2010 - Friday 9:10AM - 12:20PM -- AD217

Your Professors:
John Queen ext:5459 e-mail:jqueen@glendale.edu office:SR 359
Dennis Doyle ext. 5343 e-mail:ddoyle@glendale.edu office:LB 203
The Course of Irish History, Moody & Martin, Roberts Rinehart Publishers, Boulder, Colorado
(The GCC bookstore only has a few books in stock because the book is out-of-print, however inexpensive copies of the text, "The Course of Irish History" are available on Amazon here. A few copies of the book will be on reserve in the GCC library.
Please get the book; this text is required.)
The New Oxford Book of Irish Verse, Thomas Kinsella, Ed.,Oxford University Press, New York
The Playboy of the Western World by J.M.Synge
Dubliners, James Joyce, Penguin Books, London
Free optional outline available online: Humanities 111 Course Syllabus
Catalog Description:
Irish History, Literature, and Culture from the Beginning to the Present 3 Units
Humanities 111 is a broad-based, interdisciplinary course that covers the entire history of Ireland: its mythology, folklore, art, music, literature, and major political events. The course also focuses on the impact of Irish culture on England, Europe, Spain, Canada, and the United States through the centuries. Through assigned readings, discussions, and writing, the students gain critical insights into the causes and consequences of Ireland's turbulent history and struggle for independence as well as its literary and sociopolitical contributions to world culture and civilization. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended preparation: Eligibility for English 101. Transfer credit: CSU, UC, USC
Student Learning Outcomes
- Write five essays which show the ability to analyze, synthesize, and think critically about the class text.
- Compare and contrast relationships between literature and history and their effects on society.
- Discriminate between fact and opinion statements and recognize bias and prejudice in a text.
Expectations:It is the student's responsibility to withdraw officially from the college or drop classes when he or she stops attending and to observe established deadlines, otherwise, "F'' grades may be assigned. Students are expected to attend all classes; irregular class attendance and/or frequent tardiness may result in being dropped. Students are also required to be respectful of the learning environment and to avoid disrupting class by arriving late, engaging in personal conversation, or leaving class before the assigned dismissal time.
There will be five objective examinations, and five essays, including the final exam essay. The lowest quiz grade and the lowest essay grade will be dropped. The quizes are worth 40% of the final grade and the essays are worth 60% of the grade.
Students with Disabilities The instructors and Glendale College invite the participation of all students in this class. For special help and accommodations, including obtaining special proctoring for tests, free note taking, assistance for blind students, etc. please contact the GCC Center for Students with Disabilities. These students' helpers, note takers, guides and assistants are welcome as well.
Academic Dishonesty Policy Glendale College has an Academic Dishonesty policy forbidding various types of cheating, including plagiarism. Incidents of academic dishonesty will be referred to the Vice-President of Instruction's office.
Electronic Device Policy Generally, cell phones, ipods, and other electronic devices should be turned off when class begins to avoid disrupting class. Students may not text-message or make or receive calls during class. However, students may use laptops in class to take notes or to access the class web page or the online syllabus. Abuse of this privilege may result in its revocation. Students may use digital recording devices to tape lectures. Students with disabilities and their assistants may use any necessary electronic accommodating device.
Holidays:Monday, September 6, Labor Day
Friday, November 12, Veteran's Day
Thursday, November 25-26, Thanksgiving Holiday
Finals run from December 8-15
Weekly AssignmentsWeek 1 Introduction
Week 2 Chapter 1
Week 3 Chapters 2+3 Quiz 1
Week 4 Chapters 4+5
Week 5 Chapters 6+7 Quiz 2
Week 6 Chapters 8+9 Essay 1
Week 7 Chapters 10+11
Week 8 Chapters 12+13 Quiz 3
Week 9 Chapters 14+15 Essay 2
Week 10 Chapters 16+17 Quiz 4
Week 11 Chapters 18+19 Essay 3
Week 12 Chapters 20+21
Week 13 Chapters 22+23 Quiz 5
Week 14 Chapters 24+The Dubliners Essay 4
Week 15 Playboy of the Western World
Final Test Essay 5
*The chapters refer to the text The Course of Irish History.
We will read the following short stories from The Dubliners:
-Encounter, Araby, Sisters and The Dead.
We will read all of Playboy of the Western World.